How to Knit a Picnic Blanket


Bring colour to picnics – or the sofa – with this striped, pompom-edged blanket to knit.

How to Knit a Picnic Blanket

One size 121cm x 92cm, excluding pompoms

You will need
● 6 x 50g balls of Rowan by Amy Butler Belle Aran in each of Cilantro 211 (A) and Garnet 216 (D), 3 balls in Bluebell 225 (E), 2 balls in each of Dahlia (B), Aubergine 201 (C) and Slate 210 (F) and 14 balls in Marina 223 (G)
● pair of 4.50mm knitting needles or one 4.50mm circular needle

■ The pattern is taken from Meadow by Amy Butler for Rowan (£9.95). Call 01484 681881 for yarn and book stockists.

How to Knit a Picnic Blanket


24 sts and 26 rows to 10cm square over patt using 4.50mm needles.

cm centimetres;
k knit;
p purl;
patt pattern;
rep repeat;
RS right side;
st(s) stitch(es);
tog together;
yf yarn forward;
WS wrong side.

If using a circular needle, work backwards and forwards in rows.

How to Knit a Picnic Blanket


With 4.50mm needles or circular needle and A, cast on 290 sts loosely. K 1 (WS) row. Now work in patt as follows:
1st row (RS) K.
2nd row K1, p to last st, k1.
3rd row K1, * [k2tog] 3 times, [yf, k1] 6 times, [k2tog] 3 times; rep from * to last st, k1.
4th row K. These 4 rows form the patt.
Keeping patt correct, work in patt in stripes as follows:
5th to 32nd rows With A.
33rd to 40th rows With F.
41st to 60th rows With E.
61st to 92nd rows With D.
93rd to 100th rows With C.
101st to 120th rows With B.
121st to 152nd rows With A.
Now rep 33rd to 119th rows once more, so ending with a RS row. Using yarn B, cast off loosely knitwise (on WS).

How to Knit a Picnic Blanket


Do not press. With G, make 11 pompoms, each 9cm in diameter. Using the photo as a guide, attach 6 pompoms along the cast-on edge and rem 5 pompoms along one row-end edge, spacing pompoms evenly along edges.