What is Chocolate Cyst ?


Professor Dr. Fatih Şendağ said that the endometrium, which is found in the inner layer of the cyst and is poured out every month with the chocolate cystine, eventually settles out of the uterus on the body. Professor Emeritus emphasized that the cysts placed in the pelvis, ovaries, the outside of the cervix, the area behind the cervix, the intestines, the urinary incontinence and the rectum area caused severe pain. Dr. Şendağ: “Women tend to have more or less regular pains, but sometimes a chocolate cyst may be lying under an uncomfortable periodic pain, so be careful with the pain at this point.”

Professor emphasized that routine ultrasonography is necessary for the diagnosis and that routine controls are important for the chocolate cyst, which sometimes occurs without symptoms. Dr. Şendağ patients generally complain of chronic pain and complaints about not being a child and that surgical treatment is inevitable in advanced stages together with drug treatment.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

Underlining that laparoscopic surgery should be preferred especially in young women who have not yet had children, Prof.Dr. “It is not as innocent as the name of disease called Endometriosis (Chocolate cyst), which appears in about 10 percent of women. Because the disease is not diagnosed properly or is not taken seriously, it can make an effect.

Some endometriosis foci are very enriched from nerve tissue, which is why they can cause chronic and especially severe pain during menstruation. Chocolate cysts can be noticed at routine gynecological checks without any complaints. But most of the patients are seeing the doctor because of the common pain in the lower abdomen. Individuals may have independent pain and pain during sexual intercourse. I believe that closed surgery (laparoscopy) should be done in the treatment of cysts.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

Because there is no incision like open surgery, your abdomen aesthetic is protected. The risk of complications after open surgery is lower. Patients with minimal pain after surgery are discharged the next day and can return to their social lives.

5 important signs you should never miss
The characteristics and severity of the symptoms of chocolate cyst disease vary according to the region in which the disease is settled and the state of spread. Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ercan Baş warns that if you have one of the following, you should consult an expert without losing time.

Painful or intense menstruation
Women’s menstrual pain in the waist and abdomen should feel limited in the first few days. Both the pain and long duration of the pain, and continue to be intense, may be the news of chocolate cyst disease. The groin pain and cramps before the menstrual period can be much more severe and duration in this disease.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

Pain during sexual intercourse
Pain is another symptom during sexual intercourse, which is usually seen in advanced stages of the disease. Constructs of chocolate cystic disease, called “nodule” in its name, which can cause pain and tenderness, may be about 1-4 cm chickpea, making it even more painful and distressing.

Difficulty in pregnancy and infertility
In order to maintain your pregnancy, the egg must be released from the ovary, travel in the direction of the tube, be fertilized by a sperm and place itself in the uterine wall. Chocolate cystic disease (endometriosis), caused by infertility, ovaries and diseased tissues that can damage the tubes are caused by these sites. Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ercan Baştu “Chocolate cystic disease, in addition to hatching eggs or semen can prevent pregnancy,” he says.

Changes in bowel habits
Women with chocolate cysts commonly found in intra-abdominal organs may have problems with bowel habits such as stool strain, excessive pain, constipation and diarrhea. This may increase the time of menstruation.

Long-lasting groin and abdominal pain
Pelvic (pubic) pain; pain in the lower abdomen or in the pelvic region. Long-term pelvic pain is quite common. Almost every 6 females complain of pelvic pain, which lasts for 1 to 6 months. Many women are suffering from this pain for many years until they are diagnosed. One reason for this delay in diagnosis is that pelvic pain can be caused by many causes.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

What is the reason for the chocolate cyst?

Although the cause of chocolate cyst disease is still unknown, many theories are being put forward. A common theory is that menstrual blood passes through the womb during this period and infiltrates into the female’s tubes and from there into the abdomen and crotch. It is believed that this tapping subsequently settled into the abdomen and groin cavity. This theory can be called ‘backwards menstruation’. Other theories are being put forward, and research on the cause of this situation continues.

What are the risk factors?

Some factors increase the risk of getting chocolate cystic disease.

Not being born,
Beginning to see the number at an early age,
Menopause enter the late age,
Having a higher ratio of estrogen in the body, or more exposure of the body’s life-span estrogen,
Low body mass index,
Alcohol consumption,
Having one or more relatives who have chocolate cystic disease (mother, aunt / sister or sister)
Any situation that prevents the normal breakthrough of menstrual blood from the body.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?