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To Stop Acne


Today, we can say that it is the main problem that has become a problem of many generations. Did you also know that you have the benefits of acne? Although there is a bad impression of acne in image maintenance, there are certain benefits in terms of health. But this is not what we are today. What will be done to prevent acne? We will look for an answer.

The biggest factor in the outbreak of acne is the work of our hormones and this is why certain nannies emerge. On some bodies, it is a small number or even if you go out once a month. However, many people are getting too much of anxiety. If you want to reduce it, there are certain medicines that you need to take at the doctor’s control, not your head. Apart from the medical part, you should not stress your civilians with too much headache. If you experience too much stress, your body will start to have more acne. Although the body does not bother the nose too much, it also annoys many people who face it. I will share a few suggestions below and make sure that if you apply them, the number of your civilians will not increase.

Our country is very rich in terms of sunlight. So we can say we’re lucky. Why? If you will ask. You know very well that the rays of the sun are good for the accent. If your skin color is clear, you can wait in the sun for 15-20 minutes. If you know your body best, expose yourself to the rays of the sun, and it will be good for you. Do not you think a bit more like I’m going to run out of time. We do not want you to get hit by the sun. We also recommend that you do not expose yourself to the sunlight without too much sunlight in the summer.

Now that most people are adopting something, in fact, because chocolate and chips-like things make fat, oily skin is always more acne-prone. By cutting or cutting these things you will at least have done a favor to yourself and reduced the number of your civilians. We also recommend avoiding foods with high sugar content. They say they play a role in the emergence of acne.

Especially in women, the rate of acne has increased more than men in recent years. This is why women use cosmetic products more. Because cosmetic products contain chemical substances, we may treat them as harmful to our bodies. In recent years there has been an increase in the use of women too much. Try to keep yourself a little further away from cosmetic products. As an example, do not take too long to close the pussy. These substances provide acne increase. Try to stay as far away from your hand as you can. Avoid using cheap cosmetic products.

What should be done to avoid acne?
Stress! To be stressful is always harmful to our body. It reveals all sorts of health problems, and it removes them. It is said that the stress triggers the acne. For this reason try to keep yourself away from the stricken. Especially, how to get rid of pimples, how to get rid of the stresses such as how to destroy this is your damage. Do yourself a favor and stay away from the strut.

When it comes to one of the important items. Cleaning, cleaning is always useful to ourselves and our bodies. Keeping our body clean and lean is beneficial in reducing acne. You should keep your face clean. Acne is absolutely hygienic if it is not a genetic problem. For this reason, it will be beneficial for you to keep yourself constantly clean. You need to take a shower when your body is sweating because the rate of acne in a sweaty body is one click more than normal. Do not leave your body sweaty. You should also wash your body 3 to 4 times a day with warm soapy water.


One of the reasons for the increase in the rate of acne in summer is sun cream. I said go up with the sun cream, but I will not use it too much here. Because these substances reduce the pore ratios in our bodies. So sunscreens are oily, so it blocks our pores and prevents air from getting in and makes the acne skin worse. For this reason, we recommend you stay away from sunscreens.


The water rate in our bodies should always be at a sufficient level. You should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. So you will be doing yourself good and balancing the work of your body. Drinking too much water is effective in increasing the rate of circulation in our blood, thus reducing the rate of bacteria in our bodies. Bacteria help in preventing acne formation by throwing out. So if I have difficulty telling you above, you will be able to reduce your acne even if you drink water only at an adequate level.


What is Chocolate Cyst ?


Professor Dr. Fatih Şendağ said that the endometrium, which is found in the inner layer of the cyst and is poured out every month with the chocolate cystine, eventually settles out of the uterus on the body. Professor Emeritus emphasized that the cysts placed in the pelvis, ovaries, the outside of the cervix, the area behind the cervix, the intestines, the urinary incontinence and the rectum area caused severe pain. Dr. Şendağ: “Women tend to have more or less regular pains, but sometimes a chocolate cyst may be lying under an uncomfortable periodic pain, so be careful with the pain at this point.”

Professor emphasized that routine ultrasonography is necessary for the diagnosis and that routine controls are important for the chocolate cyst, which sometimes occurs without symptoms. Dr. Şendağ patients generally complain of chronic pain and complaints about not being a child and that surgical treatment is inevitable in advanced stages together with drug treatment.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

Underlining that laparoscopic surgery should be preferred especially in young women who have not yet had children, Prof.Dr. “It is not as innocent as the name of disease called Endometriosis (Chocolate cyst), which appears in about 10 percent of women. Because the disease is not diagnosed properly or is not taken seriously, it can make an effect.

Some endometriosis foci are very enriched from nerve tissue, which is why they can cause chronic and especially severe pain during menstruation. Chocolate cysts can be noticed at routine gynecological checks without any complaints. But most of the patients are seeing the doctor because of the common pain in the lower abdomen. Individuals may have independent pain and pain during sexual intercourse. I believe that closed surgery (laparoscopy) should be done in the treatment of cysts.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

Because there is no incision like open surgery, your abdomen aesthetic is protected. The risk of complications after open surgery is lower. Patients with minimal pain after surgery are discharged the next day and can return to their social lives.

5 important signs you should never miss
The characteristics and severity of the symptoms of chocolate cyst disease vary according to the region in which the disease is settled and the state of spread. Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ercan Baş warns that if you have one of the following, you should consult an expert without losing time.

Painful or intense menstruation
Women’s menstrual pain in the waist and abdomen should feel limited in the first few days. Both the pain and long duration of the pain, and continue to be intense, may be the news of chocolate cyst disease. The groin pain and cramps before the menstrual period can be much more severe and duration in this disease.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

Pain during sexual intercourse
Pain is another symptom during sexual intercourse, which is usually seen in advanced stages of the disease. Constructs of chocolate cystic disease, called “nodule” in its name, which can cause pain and tenderness, may be about 1-4 cm chickpea, making it even more painful and distressing.

Difficulty in pregnancy and infertility
In order to maintain your pregnancy, the egg must be released from the ovary, travel in the direction of the tube, be fertilized by a sperm and place itself in the uterine wall. Chocolate cystic disease (endometriosis), caused by infertility, ovaries and diseased tissues that can damage the tubes are caused by these sites. Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ercan Baştu “Chocolate cystic disease, in addition to hatching eggs or semen can prevent pregnancy,” he says.

Changes in bowel habits
Women with chocolate cysts commonly found in intra-abdominal organs may have problems with bowel habits such as stool strain, excessive pain, constipation and diarrhea. This may increase the time of menstruation.

Long-lasting groin and abdominal pain
Pelvic (pubic) pain; pain in the lower abdomen or in the pelvic region. Long-term pelvic pain is quite common. Almost every 6 females complain of pelvic pain, which lasts for 1 to 6 months. Many women are suffering from this pain for many years until they are diagnosed. One reason for this delay in diagnosis is that pelvic pain can be caused by many causes.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?

What is the reason for the chocolate cyst?

Although the cause of chocolate cyst disease is still unknown, many theories are being put forward. A common theory is that menstrual blood passes through the womb during this period and infiltrates into the female’s tubes and from there into the abdomen and crotch. It is believed that this tapping subsequently settled into the abdomen and groin cavity. This theory can be called ‘backwards menstruation’. Other theories are being put forward, and research on the cause of this situation continues.

What are the risk factors?

Some factors increase the risk of getting chocolate cystic disease.

Not being born,
Beginning to see the number at an early age,
Menopause enter the late age,
Having a higher ratio of estrogen in the body, or more exposure of the body’s life-span estrogen,
Low body mass index,
Alcohol consumption,
Having one or more relatives who have chocolate cystic disease (mother, aunt / sister or sister)
Any situation that prevents the normal breakthrough of menstrual blood from the body.

What is Chocolate Cyst ?


What Happens in Menopause?


What is menopause?

Menopause is the cutting of the woman from the number. After the last period for menopause, one year’s worker must pass. Developing diagnostic and treatment facilities have extended the life span of people. For this reason, about 1/3 of the lives of women pass during menopause. Being conscious about bringing menopause also guarantees a healthy old age not to leave the changes that are made to their own flow.

How old is menopause?

Menopause age was calculated as 51.3 in the world average. Various factors are influential in this issue. Factors such as genetic characteristics, malnutrition, vegetarianism, weakness, smoking addiction may cause erosion of menopause age. Occasionally menopause may occur before age 40. Although this is often unexplained, past diseases, uterine surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments can lead to premature menopause.

What Happens in Menopause?

What are the signs of menopause?

Menopause was expressed as difficult or easy to avoid according to the complaints of cutting the menstruation and fever pressure. However, the menopause process can continue for many years. The symptom, which is expressed as a fever in menopause, is the most popular. Sudden onset of warmth sometimes accompanied by redness and subsequent sweating. These complaints may occur even in the early period of menopause, even when the menstrual bleeds have not yet been cut off. The rate of hot-press feeling was 80 percent. It can be seen in 30% of 60’s age and in 9% of 70’s. In hormone replacement therapy areas, this complaint disappeared quickly. Some phytoestrogens may also be used in therapy.

What are the problems that arise in menopause?

Sleep disturbances: Sleep disturbances can be seen in early menopause. Between the ages of 40-55, it is seen up to 30%. It may be comforting to observe some ruleful sleeping called hjyiny to relax in this regard. Evening meals are made from easy-to-eat food, small portions are kept, a dark and quiet room, pre-sleep relaxing exercises or warm milk before bedtime is recommended. Drug treatment is rarely needed.

Depressed mood:

A depressive mood can be seen in menopausal rates of 19-29%. Only 4% may develop clinical depression. This is not the only consequence of hormonal changes. The marriage of children together with the advancing age or leaving the house for work, the loss of the mother or father, will increase the difficulties in this period. Hormone replacement therapy treats depressive symptoms, rarely antidepressant treatment may be needed.

Vaginal dryness:

Vaginal dryness and associated pain during sexual intercourse are one of the major problems of menopause. It can be seen between 27-55%. In this period, mental problems such as frequent urination and sudden urge tightness may develop. Locally applied estrogen preparations are relaxing. A decrease in libido (sexual desire) can also be seen. This can be treated with medication.

What Happens in Menopause?

Heart and vascular diseases:

During menopause, cardiovascular diseases are also used to increase exercise and, if necessary, lower cholesterol. Hormone (estrogen) use has been found to be objectionable in some studies when there is an existing pathology.


Bone loss (osteoporosis) is the permanent loss of calcium from bone tissue. As it develops with advancing age, it is known that loss of estrogen in the menopause causes loss of calcium in the bone especially in the first 5-8 years. The most common is spinal fractures. These fractures become silent and manifest with shortening of height and postural disturbance. Hips or wrist fractures may also be present. Genetics in osteoporosis increases risk in situations such as smoking dependence, nutritional disorders, goiter, excessive work of the adrenal gland.

What Happens in Menopause?

Menstrual irregularities:

Menstrual irregularities can be seen before menopause. Occasionally, menstruation may be frequent and intense hemorrhages may occur, such as decreased pace and occasional delay. Absolutely a gynecological examination should be made. Bleeding during these periods may also be a symptom of a negative disease. It can also depend on pregnancy. There are many women who have given birth to menopause. Absolutely gynecological examination, pap smear test, mammography, breast ultrasonography should be done. Due to the fact that the bones are weakened due to menopause within the first 5-8 years, it is necessary to see the future risk and measure by measuring the bone density.

The Right Nail Polish with Spectacular Nail


In order to ensure that your prominent handles look good and beautiful in every situation, you should especially take care of your fingernails. Without forgetting that hand and nail care is a whole, it is not hard to admit that the biggest mark of well-groomed nails is nail polish. The colorful varieties and the trends that have been renewed each year have become a part of fashion. You are mistaken if you think that clothes are the only thing you need to be careful of when choosing items that are compatible with clothes, matt and shiny choices. The nail polish recommended for you will be very useful to you.

Manicure is directly related to your choice of nail polish. The color of your nail determines the natural color and the style of manicure you choose in accordance with this shape. Which color of nail polish should you use according to your manicure preferences? The answer is here …

Interlocking Original Nail Polish Proposals


The circular manicure preferred by those who never give up classical style is an image that women wear at every age. The round nails that can not easily give up their habits usually go to the same places and like to meet with the same people. Although they often prefer nude and light pink tones, they rarely go out of their habits.

For round nails that are not easy to compromise from their classical pleasures, the most radical option can be the dark french manicure they will make over the pink and nude colors. You will love this style of nails, which both classic and modern meet at the same time.


It is quite confusing for some people to use almond nails that are not very ideal for someone to use, but for both style and hard look. The almond nail, which gives the tips of an adventurous person, also seems to want to emphasize the cautious aspects of this adventurer.

Are not you tired of ordinary single colors? If you understand that you want to balance your impression on your nail using only one color, you can drive out the adventurous person in your car by driving your nail tips, which are fashionable this year, geometrically. So you will be both calm and flashy.

The Right Nail Polish with Spectacular Nail


Oval fingernails generously offering pleasure to the tastes are always noteworthy for women who like to be well maintained and whose souls are always attractive, such as nails. Women with oval nails whose hair will never be seen scattered are among the most sought-after people in social settings.

In general, oval nails that can never give up their reds and hues and reflect the femininity of their soul in their nails, this year should emphasize wine tones, beige, dark gray and pomegranate shades. A black french that you can only carry to the tip can complement your style.

The Right Nail Polish with Spectacular Nail


The square nails, which always hold the pleasure on the front, can not easily give up on sports clothes and clothing style. The women with square nails who prefer to gather in a house with their friends do not make any concessions from their comforts as they mix with the crowd of the city on weekends.

A small piece of stone that you will use in your coffee tones with a shiny object or place in the middle of your fingernails can get you out of your routine. If you are looking for a more radical change, how about your double-colored nail polish?

Breast Cancer Symptoms


We brought together all the information you need to know about breast cancer. Here are experts from the breast cancer …

What is breast cancer?

Prof. Dr. Memorial Ataşehir Hospital Medical Oncology Department. Dr. Gökhan Kandemir defines breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a type of cancer seen especially in women, which can develop with abnormal growth of breast cells and uncontrolled growth. As age progresses, the risk of breast cancer increases.

What causes breast cancer?

The most important risk factor for breast cancer is being a woman. Estrogen, also known as feminine hormone, increases the risk of breast cancer for a long period of exposure. Menstruation before the age of 12, menopause after 55 years of age, increase the duration of exposure to the hormone estrogen. There is also a risk for those who are not pregnant at all. Using birth control pills in the age of fertility increases the risk of over 5 years of these uses in particular. Estrogen hormone is also included in the hormone therapy applied to relieve post menopausal complaints. For this reason, taking more than 5 years of these hormones may increase the risk of breast cancer development.

Men can have breast cancer too!

Breast cancer, especially in women, can be seen rarely in males as well. Approximately one in every 100 breast cancers is seen in men. With the same signs and symptoms as women; the reason for not being aware of this issue is that breast cancer in men is usually diagnosed in advanced stages.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

What are the ways to avoid breast cancer?

If breast cancer is one of the most common cancers, it is possible to treat completely before the entire breast and axillary lymph nodes are removed. In this regard, women should be informed and acted consciously. They should periodically self-examine their mammals and should immediately contact a general surgery specialist if they feel any differences. It is very important to go through the annual mammography screening from the age of forty. Individuals with breast cancer in first-degree relatives are required to go to the doctor’s control every 6 months from the age of 15-20 years before the age of the family member who has cancer. The risk of developing cancer may be determined by genetically testing relatives of patients who have breast cancer at a young age.

Early diagnosis is important and it is possible to take precautions to avoid getting cancer which is ideal. It is known that some factors increase the risk of developing breast cancer: to have an individual with breast cancer, to see menstruation at an early age and to enter a menopause at a late age, not to give birth, or to do at a late age. It is difficult or impossible for the quiche to change them.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Can life-style changes reduce breast cancer risk?

As a result of the investigations, it was observed that the rate of breast cancer development decreased by 1.6 percent, depending on the change in lifestyle. This means that 16,000 women will not get cancer in the 1 million women’s community. Moreover, the proportion of those with cancer in their families was 3.2 percent higher.

What is meant by the change in lifestyle is:
Regular exercise,
Decreasing the body mass index, ie weight loss,
Reducing alcohol consumption.

In fact, it is possible to protect not only breast cancer but also many other types of cancer.



How to do Crochet Hat


We continue to investigate private jobs for private households and private employment opportunities for housewives. If you like to cook, make handcrafted products and deal with something in your home, you can easily make money by selling what you have done.

In this writing, you will find no place where you need to be handicapped, and we will tell you the profitable works that have not come out of daylight and the products you can sell and sell from your home. You can take what we tell you seriously and gain an advantage that you can not predict if you practice one by one. Here are the products that are beautiful handcrafted to each other:


How to do Love birds showpiece with light


We continue to investigate private jobs for private households and private employment opportunities for housewives. If you like to cook, make handcrafted products and deal with something in your home, you can easily make money by selling what you have done.

In this writing, you will find no place where you need to be handicapped, and we will tell you the profitable works that have not come out of daylight and the products you can sell and sell from your home. You can take what we tell you seriously and gain an advantage that you can not predict if you practice one by one. Here are the products that are beautiful handcrafted to each other:

How to do 3D Origami Heart Shaped Photoframe


We continue to investigate private jobs for private households and private employment opportunities for housewives. If you like to cook, make handcrafted products and deal with something in your home, you can easily make money by selling what you have done.

In this writing, you will find no place where you need to be handicapped, and we will tell you the profitable works that have not come out of daylight and the products you can sell and sell from your home. You can take what we tell you seriously and gain an advantage that you can not predict if you practice one by one. Here are the products that are beautiful handcrafted to each other:

How to crochet a rose


We continue to investigate private jobs for private households and private employment opportunities for housewives. If you like to cook, make handcrafted products and deal with something in your home, you can easily make money by selling what you have done.

In this writing, you will find no place where you need to be handicapped, and we will tell you the profitable works that have not come out of daylight and the products you can sell and sell from your home. You can take what we tell you seriously and gain an advantage that you can not predict if you practice one by one. Here are the products that are beautiful handcrafted to each other:

How to do Crochet Baby Dress


How to do Crochet Baby Dress

The color and pattern patterns will impress our girl mothers with baby knitting clothes models. Girls have much more fashionable models than knit babies in ready-made textile products and knitted models that can be hand-made. All mothers, especially girls mothers, are especially fond of dressing their children with as many different things as they can. For this reason, they search for dress patterns with different patterns. Here, this archive is specially prepared for ladies who are looking for a different and beautiful dress model for girls.

The Rising Face of Baby Clothes: Knitted Baby Clothes!

For parents, we share a good topic about the finest knitted baby clothes that will be presented to babies. Thanks to the knitwear you can make the babies cute, sweet and perfect. Sensitive, colorful and healthy clothes suitable for their skin consist of handmade knitted dresses.