How Often Should You Pee A Day? Everything You Need To Know About Healthy Bathroom Habits


I always try to stay healthy by eating well, getting enough sleep, and fitting exercise into my hectic life. Sometimes I think of my body like a car that has warning lights on the dashboard that light up when something is wrong.

One of the warning lights that alludes to your body’s condition is urine. It may sound silly, but details about your pee like the color, the smell, and how often you go can give you clues to what may be going on inside of your body. For example, as this article explains, frequent trips to the bathroom at night may point to heart trouble, diabetes, and other health troubles. This may make you wonder how often you pee a day, what healthy pee should look like, and how much peeing is too much.

Of course, these are all completely normal questions, and we have answers to all of these for you — plus, when it may be time to see a doctor.

How Often Should You Pee A Day?

Most people pee between six and eight times a day, the Cleveland Clinic reports. There are many factors that affect the amount of urine that a person produces, including the types of food and drink they consume. According to the National Institutes of Health, there are many factors that affect the amount of urine that a person produces, including the amount of food and drink they consume each day as well as the amount of liquid they expel while breathing or sweating. Children also tend to pee less than adults. Medications, herbal supplements, medical conditions, and food choices can all affect how often you pee.