How to Recognize Breast Cancer Symptoms


Breast cancer affects more than 1 million 700 women every year in the world. The situation in our country is not very different, because one out of every 8 females; She’s got breast cancer sometime in her life.

Breast cancer is a health problem that no woman wants to even bring to mind. For this reason many women can avoid the indication. Actually, breast cancer comes by giving some signals. Ignoring them does not work except for throwing life into danger.

Deaths related to all types of cancer, breast cancer-related deaths immediately after lung cancer, says General Surgeon Professor. Dr. Cihan Uras emphasizes once again that early diagnosis and treatment methods have saved lives.

Professor Uras, “Routine checks for early diagnosis of breast cancer should never be neglected. Also every woman after 20 years for early diagnosis should make a self-examination once a month. Thus, breast cancer can be detected without reaching the next stage, “he says.

The biggest signal of breast cancer is; mass in hand or armpit. Cancerous masses can be distinguished from other swellings by hard-structured, irregularly-edged and rough surfaces. The most effective method for this is; laying on the bed and performing the examination by hand. Place one hand under your head. Then touch your other hand with your sign and middle finger. Do the same for the other side. Perform circular movements from the nipple to the periphery. Then repeat the same procedure for the underarms.
If you are not bored, if you are coming from a single mammal or a single channel with bloody or transparent colored flows, the cause must be investigated. This type of nipple discharge is caused by intraductal papilloma, a lesion that increases the risk of breast cancer or breast cancer.

If you are facing the mirror and you are examining yourself, if you notice the withdrawal, collapse or deformity in your nipples, it is useful to see a doctor right away.

General Surgeon Dr. Cihan Uras also points out that if you see signs of peeling and crusting in the nipple while looking at yourself in front of the mirror, they should be evaluated by an expert.

You can see growth or malformation in the meme by moving to the best mirror. Put your hands on the belly and look, are you both symmetrical? Is there a growth in the memories?

If you have not been injured one time, sudden redness in the skin of the breast and the wound is at the top of the list of symptoms that should be taken seriously.

“Of course, every edema and swelling is not a symptom of breast cancer. These are the most frequent complaints that women often experience during menstruation and pregnancy. Uras, “But if the painting is accompanied by an uneven appearance like orange peel in the breast skin, consult a doctor without losing any time”.

Mammographic and ultrasonographic screening methods are used to diagnose breast cancer early and patient specific approaches increase the success rate of treatment. Professors say that women should increase their screening cycles especially after the age of 40. Dr. Cihan Uras emphasized that hand examination should be made a habit for early diagnosis. “After 20 years, every woman should control herself once a month and this habit should be given to every young woman”.