What is menopause?
Menopause is the cutting of the woman from the number. After the last period for menopause, one year’s worker must pass. Developing diagnostic and treatment facilities have extended the life span of people. For this reason, about 1/3 of the lives of women pass during menopause. Being conscious about bringing menopause also guarantees a healthy old age not to leave the changes that are made to their own flow.
How old is menopause?
Menopause age was calculated as 51.3 in the world average. Various factors are influential in this issue. Factors such as genetic characteristics, malnutrition, vegetarianism, weakness, smoking addiction may cause erosion of menopause age. Occasionally menopause may occur before age 40. Although this is often unexplained, past diseases, uterine surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments can lead to premature menopause.
What are the signs of menopause?
Menopause was expressed as difficult or easy to avoid according to the complaints of cutting the menstruation and fever pressure. However, the menopause process can continue for many years. The symptom, which is expressed as a fever in menopause, is the most popular. Sudden onset of warmth sometimes accompanied by redness and subsequent sweating. These complaints may occur even in the early period of menopause, even when the menstrual bleeds have not yet been cut off. The rate of hot-press feeling was 80 percent. It can be seen in 30% of 60’s age and in 9% of 70’s. In hormone replacement therapy areas, this complaint disappeared quickly. Some phytoestrogens may also be used in therapy.
What are the problems that arise in menopause?
Sleep disturbances: Sleep disturbances can be seen in early menopause. Between the ages of 40-55, it is seen up to 30%. It may be comforting to observe some ruleful sleeping called hjyiny to relax in this regard. Evening meals are made from easy-to-eat food, small portions are kept, a dark and quiet room, pre-sleep relaxing exercises or warm milk before bedtime is recommended. Drug treatment is rarely needed.
Depressed mood:
A depressive mood can be seen in menopausal rates of 19-29%. Only 4% may develop clinical depression. This is not the only consequence of hormonal changes. The marriage of children together with the advancing age or leaving the house for work, the loss of the mother or father, will increase the difficulties in this period. Hormone replacement therapy treats depressive symptoms, rarely antidepressant treatment may be needed.
Vaginal dryness:
Vaginal dryness and associated pain during sexual intercourse are one of the major problems of menopause. It can be seen between 27-55%. In this period, mental problems such as frequent urination and sudden urge tightness may develop. Locally applied estrogen preparations are relaxing. A decrease in libido (sexual desire) can also be seen. This can be treated with medication.
Heart and vascular diseases:
During menopause, cardiovascular diseases are also used to increase exercise and, if necessary, lower cholesterol. Hormone (estrogen) use has been found to be objectionable in some studies when there is an existing pathology.
Bone loss (osteoporosis) is the permanent loss of calcium from bone tissue. As it develops with advancing age, it is known that loss of estrogen in the menopause causes loss of calcium in the bone especially in the first 5-8 years. The most common is spinal fractures. These fractures become silent and manifest with shortening of height and postural disturbance. Hips or wrist fractures may also be present. Genetics in osteoporosis increases risk in situations such as smoking dependence, nutritional disorders, goiter, excessive work of the adrenal gland.
Menstrual irregularities:
Menstrual irregularities can be seen before menopause. Occasionally, menstruation may be frequent and intense hemorrhages may occur, such as decreased pace and occasional delay. Absolutely a gynecological examination should be made. Bleeding during these periods may also be a symptom of a negative disease. It can also depend on pregnancy. There are many women who have given birth to menopause. Absolutely gynecological examination, pap smear test, mammography, breast ultrasonography should be done. Due to the fact that the bones are weakened due to menopause within the first 5-8 years, it is necessary to see the future risk and measure by measuring the bone density.