Chronic sinusitis; causing permanent changes in the sinuses and making them more susceptible to infections. So sinusitis often recurs for some reason. Mostly sinusitis is mixed with migraine. Because sinusitis can also be a headache. But the headache in sinusta is not in episodes like migraine, it is a long term and more pain occurs in face part. Pain is an increasing pain when you bend and straighten a heavy object.

But some sinusitis patients may not have any headache. Patients suffering from severe pain at the onset and on the face can be both migraine and sinusitis. So you should consult a doctor and learn whether there is any one or both and treat accordingly. A sinusitte yellow-green, dark-nosed nose and nasal discharge can be seen. It is one of the largest sinusitis manifestations.
Sinüzitte’s nasal discharge is usually unilateral, and these currents are inflamed, causing bronchitis if it spreads to the airways if it runs away. Other indications of sinusitis include; face, eye and tooth pain, eye and face swelling, a continuous pressure sensation, rarely, mouth odor, malaise, tiredness, gum pain, fever, scentlessness, stoic hoarseness, double vision, nasal discharge.
In infants and young children, vomiting, retching, persistent cough may also occur, depending on the nasal discharge. For sinusitis treatment, doctors recommend antibiotics, painkillers and nasal spray. In addition, nutrition rich in vitamin C and consuming plenty of water will make it easier to fight illness.

Patients take medicines properly, take medication, take plenty of water, take vitamin supplements, and so sinusitis heals within 1 week and 10 days. Despite all these, sinusitis patients who have not healed yet may need surgical intervention. In surgical intervention, the doctor may expand the sinus opening, reduce the occlusion of a bone, and either remove a tissue or a polyp to remove obstruction.Those who are allergic, those who consume cigarettes and alcohol, those who have curvature in the nasal bone or a meat formation, and those who frequently have viral infections such as colds and influenza are also highly likely to be sinusitis. Also, in the case of water diving, sinusitis can also be seen in the pool. This is caused by the infection of the person at the time of swimming. In the abscesses in the root of the teeth, the possibility of sinusitis in the root of the root of the apsensus jumps to the sinuses.