Let’s start out easy. Add the following numbers from top to bottom as quickly as you can in your head.

Did you get 5000? Well, that would be… wrong.

The Answer: 4100

The Explanation: This is just a simple case of your brain getting ahead of itself. You were probs totally on a roll until you got to to the last addition.

1000 + 20 = 1020 (Right.)

1020 + 30 = 1050 (Totes.)

1050 + 1000 = 2050 (Yup.)

2050 + 1030 = 3080 (Mhmmm.)

3080 + 1000 = 4080 (Yassss, almost done!)

4080 + 20 = 4100

Errrr, what?! You def didn’t get that before.

It seems totally obvious now that it’s all done out slowly in front of you, but what made you slip up on that last addition the first time around is that when you were adding everything up quickly in your head, you never had to carry any ones until the very end, and when you finally do have to carry a one, you accidentally added it to the thousands spot rather than the hundreds because you were going so quickly. Or maybe you didn’t spot the 30 in the 1030 of the third to last line.

Or, maybe you’re just a genius and you were right the first time in which case, good on you!