Obesity is a condition in which a lot of body fat accumulates and may have a negative effect on its health. If a person’s body weight is at least 20% higher than it should be, it is considered obese. If your Body Mass Index (BMI) is between 25 and 29.9, you are overweight. If the BMI is 30 or above, it is considered to be 1st degree obese.
BMI: is a statistical measurement based on height and weight information. Although it is a commonly used unit of measurement, the BMI does not determine the fat content in the body. Therefore, it may give false results. For example, the body mass index of someone with a very muscular and low-fat rate may be higher than the average one. However, the body mass index can still be used as a good method of measurement for people with obesity.
According to the classification determined by aya World Health Organization “;
– Underweight Under 18.5 (Weak)
– 18.5 – 24.9 Normal Weight
– 25.0 – Over 29.9 Overweight
– 30.0 – 34.9 First Degree Obese
– 35 – 39.9 II. Degree Obese
– 40.5 and above III. Degree Morbid Obese (Serious)
– 50 and Above is considered as Super Obese.
Genetic factors, some brain tumors, changes in the level of some substances and hormones secreted in the brain, environmental factors, lifestyle, eating habits, some mental disorders, some physical diseases, some drugs used, lack of physical activity, can be considered as reasons that have a significant effect on the formation of obesity. On the other hand, family situations, the influence of peers, social factors that the individual is exposed to, social inadequacy, lack of knowledge of the families about nutrition, low socio-economic level, and life style due to them are other important factors.
It should be emphasized that in recent years, the most talked about point of view should be the nutritional style and the unfavorable situations that the individual has in the direction of health improvement. The individual’s low self-esteem, problems in the perception of his / her body, and the spiritual results of the weight gaining and giving cycle which are constantly changing, are the other factors in the formation of obesity.
– Physical activity
– Nutrition habits
– Age
– Gender (Female)
– Racial factors
– Education level
– Marriage
– Number of births
– Stop smoking
– Alcohol
– Psychological disorders
– Metabolic and hormonal disorders
Generally it is easy to fat, weakness is difficult. Therefore, before treatment of obesity, prevention is correct. The most important issue in the prevention of obesity is to apply a diet that is suitable for energy balance from the small age. This is when the individual is aware of the energy values and energy expenditure of the nutrients and gains the nutrition habits appropriate to the energy balance.
The most commonly used methods in the treatment of obesity;
1. Diet therapy,
2. Increasing physical activity,
3. Drug treatment,
4. Surgical treatment,
5. Acupuncture,
6. Hypnosis,
7. Behavioral therapy.
Nowadays there are many methods for the treatment of obesity. Diet therapy, behavior change treatment, obesity surgery and slimming with the drugs used are the most preferred of these methods.
Weight loss with diet
The most natural and necessary method for obesity treatment is to lose weight with healthy obesity diet programs. Slimming with the right diet program is the most preferred and healthy method of weight loss. Obesity diet plans contain enough protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins and mineral resources and are important for both body health and body fat. Consuming sufficient nutrients is an important factor for permanent weight loss. Detox plans consisting of fruit or vegetable juices applied for a short period of time may also be effective in weakening. However, it is important to note how many days of these detox plans are applied in order to maintain body health and to maintain weight loss permanently. It is healthier to apply programs with detox drink that contains only one meal instead of the detox plans that contain liquid detox drinks in all meals.
Behavior change treatment
Behavior change management under the control of body weight is a form of treatment that aims to increase or decrease the negative behaviors related to eating and physical activity which cause excess weight and to improve the positive behaviors by becoming a way of life. Steps of behavior change therapy:
Stimulus control
Alternative behavior development
Reinforcement, self-awarding
Cognitive restructuring
Social support