Natural Remedies to Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks


Dermatology Specialist Dr. Fulya Tezel explains that pregnancy fissures are frequently encountered and cause serious cosmetic discomfort in pregnant women. “Structural changes that occur in the subcutaneous tissue are the result. Such changes are seen in 50-90% of the geologists.

Especially the 2nd trimester of your pregnancy ie 6th-7th. It appears in the months. These cracks are pale purple and slightly pale after birth. The pregnancies may feel a slight itching, especially when the cracks are just beginning. Often seen in the abdominal region, but also in the breast region, uroplasty, stools are encountered, “he said. Dr Fulya Tezel, a dermatologist, wrote in her statement:

“The issue that most people with a pregnancy plan are curious about is that they are candidates for crack formation. Obviously, the cause of these birth defects is not yet known. However, it has been shown that maternal weight gain is more frequent in pregnant women with a lot of weight and child birth weight.

Generally there are cracks in prone pregnant mothers in the first gestation. But it is not true that, as is well known among the population, mothers who have no cracks in their first pregnancy will not have cracks in their other pregnancies. A good hint, especially for mothers, is whether their mother’s pregnancies are cracked or not.

Because those who have cracked stories in the family are at risk. In many studies, mothers with fractures were found to have a lower gestational age.

After mentioning such a risk factor, we can mention what to do as a precaution. The use of anti-cracking cream and oil during pregnancy significantly reduces the formation of cracks. A side effect of the cigarette that has shown many harmful effects on babies and mothers is to increase the cracks. Mom candidates need to stay away from smoking environments.

In our society, we should avoid uncontrolled weight gain with the principle of ‘When to eat and when to eat in pregnancy’, and pay attention to the amount of calories required by the doctor. Thus, we have both a healthy pregnancy and prevent crack formation.

Let’s see what we can do in patients with cracks despite all the precautions taken; especially when the color of the cracks in the active period is still pink. A vitamini derivation creams, some peels, various laser systems can be corrected in the cracks. Surgical removal of fissures is not a acceptable method. “